Mar 21, 2012

Stephen King - top 10 best books

I waited a long time to write about one of my favorite writers, because I love most of Stephen King's works and it's very difficult to pick his best works from over fifty books which he wrote. 

Almost all of them I read with great pleasure and I think that most deserves attention. But to encourage people, who don't know his books at all or are wondering what to read next - this is my top ten Stephen King's best novels.

I think that each book written by Stephen King have
memorable characters, excellent atmosphere and dialogues and great plot. Without hesitation I can even say that some of his works (such as The Stand) are the most important novels of the twentieth century.

Why I love King? For his passion, hard work and that he always surprised me, because each book brings something new. That's why I encourage everyone to read his books!

After a long struggle with myself and looking over and over his bibliography, here is the list of top ten best novels by Stephen King:

1. The Stand (see description)
2. Misery (see description)
3. The Shining (see description)
5. The Green Mile (see description)
6. The Dead Zone (see description)
7. Duma Key (see description)
8. Under the Dome (see description)
9. Carrie (see description)
10. Salem's Lot (see description)

And special mention: The Dark Tower series.

Of course, it would be easier to write which King's novels you shouldn't read (for example: The Regulators, Dreamcatcher or Roadwork), than which ones you should, because where are so many good books written by Stephen King – e.g. I didn't mention the Firestarter, Pet Sematary, Lisey's Story, Bag of Bones, The Long Walk, Cujo or 11/22/63, which I recently finished reading. All whose titles you should also read, because they are great!

My list also don't include collections of short stories (I recommend them all, but especially
Night Shift, Nightmares and Dreamscapes, Skeleton Crew, Full Dark, No Stars, Hearts in Atlantis and Different Seasons). In my list of best books I chose only between the novels. 

About non-fiction - Danse Macabre and On Writing - I will write in in the future, because these titles require "special treatment" :).

If you are looking for full Stephen King's bibliography – visit his official website :). 

Which is your favourite book by Stephen King? And those of you who haven't read any book written by this author I encourage to do so. Check the Amazon website which Stephen King's books are available today!


  1. Loved The Stand, but It and The Green Mile are just much better balanced in terms of structure and plot.

    The Shining has just never done it for me. Other than the internal struggle of the main character it has very little else to recommend it. Eh.

  2. I have read all the top stephen king books on your list except “Duma Key” which I hadn’t even heard of until now. I’m definitely going to check it out next.

  3. I read The Stand back in the 80s when the abridged version was the only version available. Do you have an opinion on the two versions?

  4. Well, better late than never....Glenn, I read both tne edited and unedited versions of The Stand, and both had merit. The unedited one was, to be perfectly honest, far too long, and most of the stuff they cut out of it wasn't great-a ridiculous, cliched, melodramatic argument between Frannie and her mother, waaaaaaaay more info about Frannie's family dynamics than I cared to read-seriously, is there anything more tedious than a spoiled New England college age chick?-a graphic account of a guy dying of appendicitis-stuff like that. But there is a backstory on some of the supporting characters that was pretty good-it explains why Dayna Jurgens is such a tough, capable bada**, and I wish they'd left that part in. But you won't miss much by reading the edited version-the only quibble I had was that a couple of minor characters and events are referred to in a brief, fleeting manner, when the rest of their backstories had been cut from the book, leaving the reader to wonder who on earth these people are. I thought I'd missed something, and finally figured out that I wasn't crazy when Iread the full monty version years later. A bit sloppy on the part of King's editors, but still probably one of his better books.

  5. ☆☆ Stephen King ☆☆

    미스터리 환상특급 (Four Past Midnight)
    이 책을 통해서 처음 Stephen King 작가의 작품을 알았다. 이 책의 묘사력이 뛰어나서 나는 작가의 이력을 궁금해 했다. 지금은 Stephen King 작가를 팔로잉하고 있다.
